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🚀 Milestones

For anyone interested in the roadmap and projected release milestones please see the following link:


🎁 Contributing Issues and PRs

  • Issues and PRs will get triaged and assigned to the appropriate milestone.
  • PRs get priority over issues.
  • The maintainers have limited bandwidth and do so voluntarily.
So whilst reporting issues are valuable, please consider:
  • contributing an issue with a toy repo that replicates the issue.
  • contributing PRs is a more valuable donation of your time and effort.

Thanks again for your interest and support in VCRpy.

We really appreciate it.

👥 Collaborators

We also have a large test matrix to cover and would like members to volunteer covering these roles.

Library Issue Triager(s) Maintainer(s) PR Reviewer(s) Release Manager(s)
core Needs support Needs support Needs support @neozenith
requests @neozenith Needs support @neozenith @neozenith
aiohttp Needs support Needs support Needs support @neozenith
urllib3 Needs support Needs support Needs support @neozenith
httplib2 Needs support Needs support Needs support @neozenith
tornado4 Needs support Needs support Needs support @neozenith
boto3 Needs support Needs support Needs support @neozenith

Role Descriptions

Issue Triager:

Simply adding these three labels for incoming issues means a lot for maintaining this project:
  • bug or enhancement
  • Which library does it affect? core, aiohttp, requests, urllib3, tornado4, httplib2
  • If it is a bug, is it Verified Can Replicate or Requires Help Replicating
  • Thanking people for raising issues. Feedback is always appreciated.
  • Politely asking if they are able to link to an example repo that replicates the issue if they haven’t already. Being able to clone and go helps the next person and we like that. 😃


This involves creating PRs to address bugs and enhancement requests. It also means maintaining the test suite, docstrings and documentation .

PR Reviewer:

The PR reviewer is a second set of eyes to see if:
  • Are there tests covering the code paths added/modified?
  • Do the tests and modifications make sense seem appropriate?
  • Add specific feedback, even on approvals, why it is accepted. eg “I like how you use a context manager there. 😄 “
  • Also make sure they add a line to docs/changelog.rst to claim credit for their contribution.
Release Manager:
  • Ensure CI is passing.
  • Create a release on github and tag it with the changelog release notes.
  • python build sdist bdist_wheel
  • twine upload dist/*
  • Go to ReadTheDocs build page and trigger a build

Running VCR’s test suite

The tests are all run automatically on Travis CI, but you can also run them yourself using pytest and Tox.

Tox will automatically run them in all environments supports if they are available on your PATH. Alternatively you can use tox-pyenv with pyenv. We recommend you read the documentation for each and see the section further below.

The test suite is pretty big and slow, but you can tell tox to only run specific tests like this:

tox -e {pyNN}-{HTTP_LIBRARY} -- <pytest flags passed through>

tox -e py37-requests -- -v -k "'test_status_code or test_gzip'"
tox -e py37-requests -- -v --last-failed

This will run only tests that look like test_status_code or test_gzip in the test suite, and only in the python 3.7 environment that has requests installed.

Also, in order for the boto tests to run, you will need an AWS key. Refer to the boto documentation for how to set this up. I have marked the boto tests as optional in Travis so you don’t have to worry about them failing if you submit a pull request.

Using PyEnv with VCR’s test suite

PyEnv is a tool for managing multiple installation of python on your system. See the full documentation at their github but we are also going to use tox-pyenv in this example:

git clone ~/.pyenv

# Add ~/.pyenv/bin to your PATH
export PATH="$PATH:~/.pyenv/bin"

# Setup shim paths
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

# Setup your local system tox tooling
pip install tox tox-pyenv

# Install supported versions (at time of writing), this does not activate them
pyenv install 3.7.5 3.8.0 pypy3.8

# This activates them
pyenv local 3.7.5 3.8.0 pypy3.8

# Run the whole test suite

# Run the whole test suite or just part of it
tox -e lint
tox -e py37-requests

Troubleshooting on MacOSX

If you have this kind of error when running tox :

__main__.ConfigurationError: Curl is configured to use SSL, but we have
not been able to determine which SSL backend it is using. Please see PycURL documentation for how to specify the SSL backend manually.

Then you need to define some environment variables:

export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include

Reference : stackoverflow issue