Configuration ============= If you don't like VCR's defaults, you can set options by instantiating a ``VCR`` class and setting the options on it. .. code:: python import vcr my_vcr = vcr.VCR( serializer='json', cassette_library_dir='fixtures/cassettes', record_mode='once', match_on=['uri', 'method'], ) with my_vcr.use_cassette('test.json'): # your http code here Otherwise, you can override options each time you use a cassette. .. code:: python with vcr.use_cassette('test.yml', serializer='json', record_mode='once'): # your http code here Note: Per-cassette overrides take precedence over the global config. Request matching ---------------- Request matching is configurable and allows you to change which requests VCR considers identical. The default behavior is ``['method', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query']`` which means that requests with both the same URL and method (ie POST or GET) are considered identical. This can be configured by changing the ``match_on`` setting. The following options are available : - method (for example, POST or GET) - uri (the full URI.) - host (the hostname of the server receiving the request) - port (the port of the server receiving the request) - path (the path of the request) - query (the query string of the request) - raw\_body (the entire request body as is) - body (the entire request body unmarshalled by content-type i.e. xmlrpc, json, form-urlencoded, falling back on raw\_body) - headers (the headers of the request) Backwards compatible matchers: - url (the ``uri`` alias) If these options don't work for you, you can also register your own request matcher. This is described in the Advanced section of this README.