Source code for vcr.serialize

import yaml

from vcr.request import Request
from vcr.serializers import compat

# version 1 cassettes started with VCR 1.0.x.
# Before 1.0.x, there was no versioning.

Just a general note on the serialization philosophy here:
I prefer cassettes to be human-readable if possible.  Yaml serializes
bytestrings to !!binary, which isn't readable, so I would like to serialize to
strings and from strings, which yaml will encode as utf-8 automatically.
All the internal HTTP stuff expects bytestrings, so this whole serialization
process feels backwards.

Serializing: bytestring -> string (yaml persists to utf-8)
Deserializing: string (yaml converts from utf-8) -> bytestring

def _looks_like_an_old_cassette(data):
    return isinstance(data, list) and len(data) and "request" in data[0]

def _warn_about_old_cassette_format():
    raise ValueError(
        "Your cassette files were generated in an older version "
        "of VCR. Delete your cassettes or run the migration script."
        "See for more details.",

[docs] def deserialize(cassette_string, serializer): try: data = serializer.deserialize(cassette_string) # Old cassettes used to use yaml object thingy so I have to # check for some fairly stupid exceptions here except (ImportError, yaml.constructor.ConstructorError): _warn_about_old_cassette_format() if _looks_like_an_old_cassette(data): _warn_about_old_cassette_format() requests = [Request._from_dict(r["request"]) for r in data["interactions"]] responses = [compat.convert_to_bytes(r["response"]) for r in data["interactions"]] return requests, responses
[docs] def serialize(cassette_dict, serializer): interactions = [ { "request": compat.convert_to_unicode(request._to_dict()), "response": compat.convert_to_unicode(response), } for request, response in zip(cassette_dict["requests"], cassette_dict["responses"]) ] data = {"version": CASSETTE_FORMAT_VERSION, "interactions": interactions} return serializer.serialize(data)